Charming Photos and Uplifting Writings

Posts tagged ‘belief’

Within, It Comes

The Light From Within

When the New Year rings in, I know I can come up with a list of creative changes. As the weeks pass and plans made for the following month, I sometimes forget that list.

I have learned with each new year that it’s not the actual list, but the pursuit within to build upon and better myself that makes each new year an experience to look forward to accepting.

It is not a new diet or exercise program. It is not the intention of quitting an unfavorable habit. It is the desire to become stronger and better than before. When reaching out to others, the more those basic goals seem to fall into place, and I become a better person. It’s taking responsibility for me and my actions. To support others, to love more, to devote myself to help; then that extraordinary magic that comes from joy and happiness seems to take control. I find myself to be succeeding in the simple goals, and finding hidden strength to overcome the discouraging and disappointing moments.

Devotion to Live

I dedicate myself,
To dance through the unexpected,
Smile into the light of the sunrise,
Grasp a dream that lifts my spirit,
Stand firm in faith that I can,
Follow the multicolored path of joy,
Flow in the whirling strong winds,
No doubt to endless possibilities.

I challenge myself,
To ride out the storms of discouragement,
To cheer Hope on to win over Disbelief,
To lean on the magical spirit in courage,
To listen beyond the deafness of uncertainty,
To count the blessings with each sunset,
Grow from the gifts of life’s experiences,
No doubt to endless possibilities.

I accept myself,
Clouds of vagueness,
Paths of insecurities,
There will be no hold.
Devotion and challenge,
Rainbows of promise,
Sunrise to sunset,
No doubt to endless possibilities.


Creativity aids in the Journey of Life!

The Journey

Creativity is within us all.
Ever looked over at him/her and think how they have it made,
And never give our self the credit that deep down we are the same?
Creativity… believes within you that you can imagine, dream, and have confidence that ideas and hopes, give progress to becoming a better me. No better and no worse.
The difference…Creativity happens with commitment and passion and the desire to make something happen.
Creativity reminds me of my son’s favorite bedtime story of the Little Engine that could! We can be creative and bring forth new ideas that develop into new changes in life when we say, “I think I can”.

Journey to Living

Opportunities develop out of storms,
To cope and develop makes new skills,
Gain and treasure the trust of a friend,
Give strength in faith, hope, and love,
Develop me into a better me.

The storms of life may seem strong,
Pressures to rebuild may seem scary,
Feeling… too tired to make the climb,
Seen too much, I will not give up,
Develop me into a better me.

Experiences have come with living,
Some troublesome with a lesson,
Some pleasant with a gift to treasure,
Believing in the passion of dreams,
Develop me into a better me.

The heart has known hurt,
The body has known failure,
The mind has known forgetfulness,
The soul has known loneliness,
Yet, I develop into a better me.

God’s touch has been soft,
God’s hold has been comforting,
God’s hand has been strong,
God’s grace has been lifting,
God develops me into a better me.

Laughter has given strength,
Crying has drained the weakness,
Each day has been a journey,
Each moment of reconstruction,
Develop me into a better me.

I absorb and map the circumstances,
Calmly rejoice for who I am today.
I will witness results of my creativity,
Empowering me to move forward,
Develop me into a better me.